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Kecap Oishii Produksi Ikapeksi Agro Industri telah mendapatkan Sertifikat SNI

Kami memiliki komitmen untuk memproduksi makanan yang enak, halal dan sehat bagi konsumen. Komitmen terhadap kualitas, kapasitas dan pengiriman adalah kekuatan kami.. 

Mitra Kerjasama

Why Choose Us

Kenapa Memilih Kecap Oishii


Memiliki izin edar MD yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia

No Food Aditif

Produk diolah tanpa penggunaan pengawet, tanpa pemanis buatan, dan tanpa penguat rasa (MSG)

Free Gluten

Bahan baku yang digunakan tidak mengandung gluten

You Are What You Eat

Makanan yang kita konsumsi sehari-hari memegang peran penting dan sangat menentukan kesehatan tubuh kita.


Letter from CEO

Dear all,

Food-related paradigm shifts continue to occur; in the past, people ate to live, live to eat, ate as a culture or lifestyle, ate to exist (selfies), and today they eat to be healthy. More and more people are understanding that eating well is a long-term commitment. The situation of the covid pandemic, which has been ongoing since 2020, has also highlighted the importance of diet in preserving physical stamina, particularly good food.

Ikapeksi Agro Industri, a food production company founded in 2017, understands the importance of providing consumers with healthy, halal, and natural food. As a result, Ikapeksi Agro Industri offers Oishii Sweet Soy Sauce andp Rusa Soy Sauce as options for flavoring when cooking or eating.


In order to apply the sustainability principle, Ikapeksi Agro industri is committed to using high-quality natural ingredients from Indonesia’s natural resources, providing employees with appropriate skills through community empowerment, processing production waste as animal feed, and expanding markets both offline and online.


Ikapeksi Agro Industri’s products already have a halal accreditation, HACCP certified and a BPOM distribution permit since 2021. Ikapeksi Agro Industri has succeeded in approaching the Japanese and Saudi Arabia market in addition to marketing its products locally. Ikapeksi Agro Industri will continue to develop its performance and market successes in Indonesia and Asia in order to introduce OISHII Sweet Soy Sauce and Rusa Soy Sauce as authentic Indonesian soy sauces that are rich in spices and nutritious in the coming years.




Nurjannah Dongoran, SP

Legalitas Produk Kami


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Beberapa prestasi ekspor kami ke Luar Negeri

Let's Go

Daftar Sekarang dan Nikmati Pengalaman Menjadi Bagian Dari Kecap Oishii

Kecap Oishii adalah Kecap Asli Buatan Anak Bangsa Indonesia Yang Sudah Dikenal Di Tanah Arab dan Jepang.